Sunday, February 23, 2025


Remember now your Creator in the days of your youth.


Verse: - Ecclesiastes 12:1

“Remember now thy Creator in the days of thy youth, while the evil days come not, nor the years draw nigh, when thou shalt say, I have no pleasure in them”

‘Remember the creator in our youth’. This is one of the powerful and important admonitions in the Bible. These words are of the famous king and philosopher named Solomon who has been reckoned the individual who put his heart to know everything under the sun. After analyzing everything he recommend to the youth of all times to remember their creator in daily life. Remembering God is the most important and blessed thing in the life of His people.  To know about the creator who is superior and powerful itself is knowledge and understanding.  To remember and do respect and express reverence through worship to that creator God is the fundamental duty of every human being.

Man is considered to be the crown of all creation. Human life is divided into 4 sections. First is childhood; second is adult; third is youth and fourth is old age. Out of these ‘youth’ is found to be most important period because men and women enjoy this part of life.  Ambitions, opportunities and choices are aplenty during this period.  They are vibrant and full of potential which is to be tapped appropriately.  They keep memory of lot many things, but often forget to remember exactly what they must.   First and foremost instruction is being given by the writer through the aforementioned verse, so that the entire life will be under control through the fear of God, the Creator, who also has kept a day of taking account – the day of Judgment (Ecc 12:14)

Helen Sam

IPC Hebron Dwarka